Nissi's Art Studio

Original Paintings with Quality Art Work that Makes Your House Stand Out!

Products from Nissi's Art Studio have to be ordered all at once and shipped to The Town Workshop Headquarters. Because of this it will take a while (we are not certain how long) for you to recieve your order. If there is something you are trying to purchase, please do so, so that we can place the order as soon as possible with Nissi's Art Studio. Once the product comes in we will send it to you. If we have what you want in stock we will send it as soon as possible. You can order a painting/bookmark that is the same as the ones shown or you can get a personalized one. The paintings shown/ bookmarks will not be exact. Those are to give you ideas of what can be made. Paintings that are larger in size come on a thicker piece of paper. Paintings that are smaller in size may come on a mini canvas. As these paitings are the originals, they may not be exactly like the ones shown. When placing an order please specify whether you want this paiting to be a postcard, painting(with or without frame), or a bookmark. Dimensions are available on the products page. Please provide the dimensions as well. If you would like a frame please specify and we will find the perfect frame and tell you how much we will charge you for it. The same payment policy, and terms of use still apply as for The Town Workshop.